How to enhance customer service to drive sales growth

Learning how to enhance customer service is not an easy feat; however, customer support plays a pivotal role in driving sales growth for most telecom or broadband businesses. Exceptional customer service has the power to foster loyalty, encourage repeat purchases and generate a wealth of positive word-of-mouth referrals. In fact, 87% of customers who say they had a great customer experience from a business will end up repurchasing from them. By addressing customer needs promptly and effectively, companies can build trust and satisfaction, reducing churn and increasing customer lifetime value.

Additionally, superior customer support can differentiate a brand in competitive markets, attracting new customers who prioritize service quality. Investing in comprehensive training for support teams and leveraging technology to streamline interactions can lead to quicker resolutions and more personalized experiences, ultimately contributing to higher sales and sustained business growth.

Discover how to enhance customer service and drive significant sales by downloading our free guide today.

About Ozmo’s contact center solution

While many customers turn first to digital channels to find the tech support answers they need, one thing is for certain: the contact center is not going anywhere. With Ozmo’s omnichannel support platform, your business will cut costs by removing expensive physical devices and directing simple inquiries to be solved in digital channels, allowing your agents to focus on solving the most complex issues with robust tools. Ozmo transforms your contact center into a primary driver of increased customer satisfaction and retention.

Ozmo’s unique contact center solution, Ozmo for Agents, helps solve complex tech support issues, providing the necessary tools for agents to address customer needs quickly and confidently. Our assisted support solution offers access to key features, including remote video support as well as virtual devices and apps, for ease of use and customer satisfaction.

Learn more about Ozmo for Agents here.

Remote video customer support guide

Seventy-one percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. Without it, customers are more likely to churn. That's why remote video customer support is the new frontier for personalized customer service.

Remote video customer support is a two-way video experience used to troubleshoot, guide and solve consumer tech support inquiries. This allows customer support agents to visually assess and address customer issues in real time and see the full device or app issue, right at their fingertips. Not to mention, customers gain a more personalized and secure support experience that solves their issue in seconds without having to deploy a technician to their home.

In addition to ease of use and personalization, remote video support has the power to drastically improve contact center KPIs, such as first call resolution, handling time and more. By providing accessible remote video tools to agents and customers, businesses can expect lower overhead costs by cutting unnecessary truck rolls and repeat requests.

Say "goodbye" to costly installations and lengthy troubleshooting calls and say "hello" to a brand new world of effective customer support. To learn more about what businesses should expect with a robust remote video customer support tool, download this guide today.

About remote video support in Ozmo for Agents

Ozmo’s unique contact center solution, Ozmo for Agents, helps solve complex tech support issues, providing the necessary tools for agents to address customer needs quickly and confidently. Our assisted support solution offers access to key features, including virtual devices and app emulators, for ease of use and customer satisfaction.

With Ozmo's latest remote video support feature, agents now have the ability to see exactly what the customer sees, allowing for better understanding of the problem and faster resolution. To learn more about Ozmo's robust remote video tool and experience live support for yourself, click here.

Seamless self-service integration support with Ozmo

For most providers today, integrating a custom self-serve support experience can be extremely difficult. IT teams are left to navigate clunky guidelines and heavy-lifting from engineering teams, which can result in a very lengthy timeline; however, digital self-service integration support shouldn't be a painful process for your team.

The keys to effective self-service integration support include:

  1. Effortless implementation
  2. Branded experience
  3. Consistent accessibility

That's why with Ozmo's self-serve portal integration, providers today are able to launch consistent, digital self-serve support within minutes, not months. Not to mention, Ozmo's self-service integration can be personalized to fit your brand and is accessible from wherever your customers prefer to seek out support.

Download this free guide to learn about how you can quickly and efficiently integrate on-brand self-service integration support experience with Ozmo today.

About Ozmo’s Self Serve

Ozmo’s self-serve solution provides 24/7 access to consistent, accurate answers across all digital channels. Regardless of channel preference, Ozmo’s self-serve support solution caters to a wide range of devices, apps and services-specific needs.

With our robust API, tailored experiences are available at any customer support stage, from presale education to post-sale support and more. Ozmo self-serve support solution educates customers about new features and seamlessly onboards them to their new technology. Customers receive continued, extensive support assistance post-sale from initial setup to getting the most out of their tech.

To optimize technology over its lifecycle, customers have access to the latest and most up-to-date answers with Ozmo’s real-time updates for devices, operating systems, applications and more. And best of all, these self-serve tools can be integrated into a wide variety of channels and formats to meet customer preferences.

Learn more about Ozmo Self Serve here.

Software launch support with Ozmo

Ozmo consistently helps telecom providers manage an influx of customer support questions for every software launch. Software releases like iOS and Android bring new features and updates to existing ones that customers will ask about along with questions that your contact center agents may have.

With a rapidly changing technology landscape, there's no time to waste. Businesses are in need of effective software launch support resources to satisfy customers while empowering customer service teams. With the help of an omnichannel support solution, your team can do just that.

Download this free guide to learn about the value Ozmo brings to our customers before, during and after every device and app software release.

About Ozmo’s self-serve solution

Ozmo’s self-serve solution provides 24/7 access to consistent, accurate answers across all digital channels. Regardless of channel preference, Ozmo’s self-serve support solution caters to a wide range of devices, apps and services-specific needs.

With our robust API, tailored experiences are available at any customer support stage, from presale education to post-sale support and more. Ozmo self-serve support solution educates customers about new features and seamlessly onboards them to their new technology. Customers receive continued, extensive support assistance post-sale from initial setup to getting the most out of their tech.

To optimize technology over its lifecycle, customers have access to the latest and most up-to-date answers with Ozmo’s real-time updates for devices, operating systems, applications and more. And best of all, these self-serve tools can be integrated into a wide variety of channels and formats to meet customer preferences.

Learn more about Ozmo’s self-serve solution here.

How to implement measurable customer support goals

In recent years, federal and state government officials have made increased efforts to fund broadband accessibility for thousands of households across the United States. This expansion of broadband is only expected to continue each year. If one thing is for certain, this is the year of broadband. As the need for broadband accessibility surges across the nation, so does the need for more advanced customer service. Before implementing your support strategy this year, there's one question you should ask yourself first: has your team defined your customer support goals?

Prior to outlining your annual or quarterly objectives, it's critical that you take the time to assess your current support goals and determine if they are: smart, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-bound, otherwise known as SMART goals. Do your current goals meet a specific timeline? Are they reasonable to achieve? By benchmarking your objectives with this criteria, your customer service team is more likely to see advancements to your overall support, customer satisfaction rates and more.

As we know, goal-setting isn't always easy though: that's why our tech experts at Ozmo have created a customizable worksheet for you to outline and establish attainable and measurable customer support goals. Simply download the guide to start outlining your goals and next steps. Afterwards, take the time to assess your items to ensure they are SMART for the timeline you aim to implement them. Then, your team is ready to get started!

From industry trends including broadband market expansion, competitive customer service, self-serve experiences, remote workforces, virtualization in the contact center and more, this goal-setting worksheet provides your team with the workspace to make actionable steps towards achieving your goals.

With this rapid expansion in broadband, there's no time to waste. Download the free goal-setting worksheet to help outline your team's support goals and benchmarks for success today. 

The ultimate contact center key metrics glossary

When it comes to driving your support team towards success, it’s critical that your team understands how to identify and measure your contact center’s performance. The contact center key metrics glossary includes over 35 of the most frequently used metrics that will help your team analyze agent effectiveness, problem resolution, customer satisfaction and more along with the top key metrics your contact center should be tracking.

With customer churn rates that are over 20% in the telecom industry, it's imperative that customer service teams understand the key metrics that impact their business the most today. This comprehensive glossary highlights the key metrics that will provide your team with all of the information they need to properly benchmark progress, outline success and enhance support goals within your business.

To learn more about each of the key metrics that your team should know more about to set up your team for success, download the available ultimate contact center key metrics glossary today.

About Ozmo’s contact center solution

While many customers turn first to digital channels to find the tech support answers they need, one thing is for certain: the contact center is not going anywhere. With Ozmo’s omnichannel support platform, your business will cut costs by removing expensive physical devices and directing simple inquiries to be solved in digital channels, allowing your agents to focus on solving the most complex issues with robust tools. Ozmo transforms your contact center into a primary driver of increased customer satisfaction and retention.

Ozmo’s unique contact center solution, Ozmo for Agents, helps solve complex tech support issues, providing the necessary tools for agents to address customer needs quickly and confidently. Our assisted support solution offers access to key features, including virtual devices and apps, for ease of use and customer satisfaction.

Learn more about Ozmo for Agents here

Self-serve customer onboarding checklist

Customer onboarding is the process of introducing and welcoming customers to their new technology and to your company. Successful customer onboarding has the potential to dramatically influence digital adoption rates, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty among your customers. The key to exceeding your new customers’ expectations starts with effective self-serve customer onboarding.

Trying to find the right support platform that is going to support and enhance your customers' onboarding experiences isn't always an easy process. Before determining which omnichannel platform can help make the most out of your support, you should first determine which areas are going to make the most impact on your self-serve customer onboarding process. The most effective support platforms must offer full-scale onboarding tools, positively enhance customer experiences and align with your team's support goals. 

To learn more about how to drive effective digital adoption, increase NPS and save up to millions of dollars annually as a part of your customer onboarding process, download our self-serve customer onboarding checklist to improve your current customer support today.

About Ozmo’s service adoption solution

Onboarding is a critical part of the customer journey where a positive experience can make or break customer loyalty; that's why with Ozmo, we want to help make that process as streamlined as possible for your customers. With Ozmo’s service adoption solution, your business will have access to unmatched, up-to-date support tools to increase your company's customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Ozmo's solution provides lasting impressions to end customers through our guided interactive tutorials and omnichannel support while simultaneously growing brand loyalty. Drive successful onboarding experiences that ensure customers are educated on how to get the most out of their technology on day one. Whether your team is onboarding customers to new products, services, devices or apps, our goal is to increase product and feature adoption and reduce churn for your business. 

Learn more about Ozmo's service adoption solution here.

How to improve customer experience

Finding the right support platform is critical to the overall success of your company. At Ozmo, we specialize in providing accessible, unmatched technology support to thousands of contact center agents and millions of end customers each year. Our customers are equipped with best-in-class support tools to solve every customer interaction, regardless of how complex, everyday. If your team is looking to gain insight on how to improve customer experience, better assist your agents and increase brand loyalty, our team at Ozmo is here to help.

This customer benefits report highlights key metrics and benchmarks that will help your team understand how to effectively improve agent performance, customer satisfaction and more. Businesses today are looking to advance their customer service and ensure a strong return on investment with their support -- and the Ozmo omnichannel support platform helps companies, including Verizon, TELUS and more, do just that. 

To learn more about how to improve your customer experience and advance customer engagement rates, download the available customer experience improvements guide today.

About Ozmo’s self-serve solution

Ozmo’s self-serve solution provides 24/7 access to consistent, accurate answers across all digital channels. Regardless of channel preference, Ozmo’s self-serve support solution caters to a wide range of devices, apps and services-specific needs.

With our robust API, tailored experiences are available at any customer support stage, from presale education to post-sale support and more. Ozmo self-serve support solution educates customers about new features and seamlessly onboards them to their new technology. Customers receive continued, extensive support assistance post-sale from initial setup to getting the most out of their tech.

To optimize technology over its lifecycle, customers have access to the latest and most up-to-date answers with Ozmo’s real-time updates for devices, operating systems, applications and more. And best of all, these self-serve tools can be integrated into a wide variety of channels and formats to meet customer preferences.

Learn more about Ozmo’s self-serve solution here.

Measuring best-in-class support content

Customer support is more than just meeting your customers’ needs – it’s about exceeding their expectations and providing quality customer service every time. Best in class support starts with ensuring your agents and your customers have the most reliable and effective support content that they need to be successful. When choosing the right tech support platform for your business, one of the most critical and foundational elements is the quality of the support content itself. 

How do you measure the reliability and accuracy of a platform’s answers? How can you ensure that your customers are receiving the most up-to-date resolutions? Do you know where your support stacks up against your competitors?

In this best in class support guide, you’ll find the four main factors that contact centers should benchmark their strategy against to learn more about how to take their customer support to the next level. 

To learn more about how to provide state of the art tech support to your contact center agents and end customers, download the available best in class support guide today.

About Ozmo’s contact center solution

While many customers turn first to digital channels to find the tech support answers they need, one thing is for certain: the contact center is not going anywhere. With Ozmo’s omnichannel support platform, your business will cut costs by removing expensive physical devices and directing simple inquiries to be solved in digital channels, allowing your agents to focus on solving the most complex issues with robust tools. Ozmo transforms your contact center into a primary driver of increased customer satisfaction and retention.

Ozmo’s unique contact center solution, Ozmo for Agents, helps solve complex tech support issues, providing the necessary tools for agents to address customer needs quickly and confidently. Our assisted support solution offers access to key features, including virtual devices and apps, for ease of use and customer satisfaction.

Learn more about Ozmo for Agents here