Help your consumers get the most out of iOS 13

Apple’s release of the new iOS 13 is quickly approaching. Dark Mode, a redesigned Maps application and improved privacy settings are a few of the eagerly awaited features. All of these changes mean greater accessibility and customization for the end consumer, but with that also comes a spike in support inquiries.

Maybe consumers are trying to figure out where to find Accessibility in the redesigned Settings application or how to silence unknown callers. Thanks to pre-release access to the new operating system in the Ozmo support platform, your support agents will know just how to help.

Before the update is released to the public, your agents have the advantage of familiarizing themselves with the new features to lead calls with confidence. And when your consumers prefer to seek out answers on their own instead, your self-support offering across your digital channels will have the answers your consumers need.

Want to know which features of iOS 13 are likely to drive support inquiries? Keep reading to find out.

Rich updates to apps

One immediate change consumers will notice is the major overhaul of several day-to-day apps, including Maps, Photos and Reminders. These redesigns aim to take consumer experience to the next level.

iPhone XUsing turn-by-turn directions

The Maps application can help guide you to your destination. Learn how to use Maps on your device to navigate to any location with turn-by-turn directions.

The Maps application can help guide you to your destination. Learn how to use Maps on your device to navigate to any location with turn-by-turn directions.

Steps List - Interactive list of steps. Select a step to read its corresponding text, and to see its Product Image and the Indicators necessary to complete the step.

Current Step: 1 - From the Home screen, tap Maps.
  1. 1 - From the Home screen, tap Maps.
  2. 2 - Tap the Search Maps field.
  3. 3 - Enter your destination.
  4. 4 - Select your destination.
  5. 5 - Tap the Directions icon.
    • Note: You can get car, public transit, walking, or ride service directions.
  6. 6 - Tap GO to begin navigating.
  7. 7 - You've completed the steps!


Apple drove over four million miles to rebuild the Maps application from the ground up. Out of date graphics and hard to view road directions will be replaced with new, detailed visuals and immersive 3D street view which can all be viewed on CarPlay. Consumers can now create ‘collections’ of places to keep for themselves or share with friends. These collections may consist of their favorite restaurants in Chicago, for example. Additionally, consumers can now share their ETA with friends. If the time changes for any reason such as traffic, the friends will be updated. With pre-release access to iOS 13, you’ll be ready to support your consumers so they can fully utilize and easily understand these time-saving and convenient features.

With the help of on-device machine learning, Photos creates an entire library to highlight your best images, hiding clutter and similar photos. While this makes it easier to view the better photos, consumers may have trouble navigating between albums to find the original shots. Instead of seeing every photo under the Photos tab, consumers will have the option to break them down into days, months and years with smart photo previews. Editing tools are more advanced with new features such as definition and noise reduction. The best part? Videos can now be edited and rotated. Once the final touches are done, consumers may want to send the videos to friends. The AirDrop process takes an additional step with iOS 13. Instead of swiping up and selecting a contact, consumers can first select the AirDrop icon, then select a contact and finally check ‘send in high quality’ if they like. These changes to the layout and design may leave consumers lost. With Ozmo’s support platform, consumers have the advantage of receiving accurate, up-to-date answers to their iOS 13 questions.

iPhone XSetting a reminder

Set reminders to help you remember time sensitive tasks such as picking up groceries on your way home or taking medication.

Set reminders to help you remember time sensitive tasks such as picking up groceries on your way home or taking medication.

Steps List - Interactive list of steps. Select a step to read its corresponding text, and to see its Product Image and the Indicators necessary to complete the step.

Current Step: 1 - From the Home screen, tap Reminders.
  1. 1 - From the Home screen, tap Reminders.
  2. 2 - Select a list to add a reminder to.
  3. 3 - Tap New Reminder.
  4. 4 - Enter your reminder.
  5. 5 - Tap the Calendar icon.
  6. 6 - Tap Date & Time.
  7. 7 - Select a day preference.
  8. 8 - Tap or slide the Time switch to ON.
  9. 9 - Select a time preference.
  10. 10 - Tap Apply.
  11. 11 - You've completed the steps!


The Reminders app takes on a whole new look with iOS 13. There is now a home screen that makes it easier to organize reminders by day, importance and more. Once in a list, consumers can drag and drop or swipe to add smaller tasks under larger ones and even group multiple lists together. Previously, consumers were directed straight to their lists when prompting the app and only had the option to list topics without sub-tasks. A new quick toolbar provides consumers with the option to quickly add times, dates, locations, flags or other helpful attachments without navigating to another screen. Consumers have the option to tag friends to their reminders so that the next time they are texting, it will remind them to bring up the topic. Siri even makes Reminders more intuitive. When messaging a friend, Siri recognizes possible reminders and makes suggestions to create them. While the overhaul of Reminders will ideally make consumers' lives more organized, it is sure to prompt questions that can be answered with ease by your agents or through self serve in your digital channels.

New options in Settings

Settings has received a number of new capabilities and has redesigned how to reach old ones. Features such as Dark Mode, battery optimization and silencing unknown callers all enhance the consumer experience but are often left untouched due to confusion or lack of knowledge. Ensure your consumers are set up for success to navigate through these changes with Ozmo’s platform.

The highly anticipated and talked about Dark Mode is finally available on iOS 13. It provides a dark color scheme that works system-wide and across all native apps, delivering a great viewing experience, especially in low-light environments. This feature is already available on Android and is a huge hit. Consumers are likely to have questions about how to turn Dark Mode on automatically, at sunset or at a certain time. With help from your agents and self-serve channels, consumers can enable the new Dark Mode in iOS 13 with confidence.

Accessibility has a new, easier-to-reach location, making the concept of the section come to life. Instead of clicking into General Settings to access it, consumers can now find it after scrolling down on the main page just below Display & Brightness. It now features an all-new Voice Control option allowing consumers to control their iOS devices entirely with their voices. Using the latest advances in machine learning for audio-to-text transcription, Voice Control differentiates commands from text making it easy to maneuver through, edit and create messages.

Consumers can even use their voices to perform gestures such as zoom or press the Home button. These new features in Accessibility make the iPhone more functional for all types of people, including those with disabilities. Pre-release access to iOS 13 in Ozmo’s platform will allow consumers to better understand where to find these features and how to use them.

The Settings updates don’t stop there. A few more notable features include battery optimization and the ability to block unknown callers.

iOS 13 battery health

Leaving a phone plugged in when it’s fully charged is bad for the battery in the long run. Apple understands this and has made a new option to help combat battery aging. To do so, consumers must go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health and finally, select Optimized Battery Charging. Using machine learning techniques, the iPhone learns consumers' daily charging routines so it can wait to finish charging past 80% until they need to use it. So, if the consumer usually wakes up at 7 am every day, the phone will charge to 80% throughout the night, stop and then continue charging around 6 am. Now, consumers can wake up with a fully charged phone without aging the battery throughout the night.

Another popular feature in iOS 13 is the ability to silence unknown callers. Unsolicited calls can become a regular annoyance for smartphone consumers. By selecting Settings > Phone > scrolling down to Call Silencing and Blocked Contacts and turning on Silence Unknown Callers, consumers can silence calls from unwanted or spam callers. These calls are not rejected but instead silenced and sent to voicemail.
These features enhance the practicality of the iPhone, allowing consumers to optimize their device usage and extend the life of their device. Pre-release access to Ozmo’s platform prepares your agents for consumers’ questions and offers self-support answers on how to enable these new settings on the day of launch.

Expanded security and privacy capabilities

The updates with iOS 13 don’t stop in Settings. Advancements in security and privacy offer consumers new ways to protect their data. Thanks to Ozmo’s platform, your agents and consumers are equipped with answers and tutorials on how to use these new features.

Security and privacy are hot topics and iOS 13 is cracking down on who can view consumers’ data and when. There is a new option for consumers to share their location with an app just once and require the app to ask for permission with every new session. This prohibits the app from tracking consumers when it’s not in use. In addition, the new update will provide background tracking alerts, giving insight into what apps are doing while they are in the background and giving consumers the option to update that permission. There are also API changes and new controls to help prevent apps from accessing consumers' locations without their consent while using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Consumers may need help figuring out how to configure these updates for improved privacy. With pre-release access to Ozmo’s platform, agents can answer questions or direct consumers to self-serve channels, keeping their data more secure.

The bottom line

With every new OS version comes excited, curious and confused consumers. The day the new software version rolls out, there will be some who download it right away to test out the new features. There will also be some who don’t even know what “iOS” means when they hesitantly tap the ‘update’ button. In both situations, consumers run the chance of getting lost in the unfamiliar operating system version.

With the help of Ozmo’s platform, your agents will be there to address these questions promptly and with confidence. Pre-release access provides agents the opportunity to familiarize themselves with iOS 13 before it’s released to the public. They can recognize where the new operating system version deviates from the old one and anticipate where the questions might begin, all before the phones begin to ring. And for those who prefer to find support on their own, self-support answers can be found on day one of launch whether it be in your mobile app, on your support site or otherwise. No matter what channel your consumers turn to, you’ll be ready.