Ozmo provides My Account app support for tier one operator

Ozmo’s support of the My Account app has helped solve technology problems for millions of customers and thousands of support centers, including one of North America’s top tier mobile operators.
This tier one mobile operator was seeking a support solution that would effectively guide agents and offer self-serve support to its customers using the My Account app. The My Account app is used to connect end customers to their individual profiles to check their accounts, make payments and more.
Ozmo’s omnichannel support platform provides technical support for a variety of devices, apps and services along with support for the multi-function My Account app.
To learn more about how Ozmo helps this tier one mobile operator provide state of the art support to their millions of customers and thousands of agents across North America, download the available My Account app case study today.
Ozmo has long supported businesses within the telecom sectors. Our team is dedicated to providing reliable, trusted wireless support to customers and agents alike. Digital transformation has rapidly changed the way customers interact with their technology, especially when it comes to their smart devices. This results in heightened expectations for a seamless, personalized experience for customers. Contact center agents are expected to not only meet customers’ needs, but also exceed their expectations of good customer service.
For wireless providers who are seeking an all-in-one, omnichannel support platform, Ozmo is here to boost your digital support initiatives. Customer experience is imperative to the success of your business. In the past, wireless providers have relied on voice expertise and in-person interactions for customer support.
Ozmo’s support solutions provide easy-to-use tools to contact center agents and millions of customers across the globe with its contact center, self-serve and digital adoption solutions.
Learn more about how Ozmo supports wireless providers here.