Mastering mobile app customer service: Five tips for success

Did you know apps account for 70% of all digital media time? Apps are now a daily part of our lives, and the majority of users spend over five hours daily using mobile apps.

With apps becoming increasingly popular, it’s no surprise many telecom and broadband providers are turning to enterprise apps to interact with customers or help customers troubleshoot tech support issues. 

But it’s not enough just to create these apps; you need to provide support to help customers navigate these apps successfully. Below, we go over what mobile app customer service is and the steps your company can take to ensure your mobile app support streamlines the customer experience. 

What is mobile app customer service?

Mobile app customer support for enterprise apps helps customers troubleshoot technical issues, including app issues while using it on their mobile devices. Providing app-based customer service is critical for staying competitive in increasingly crowded telecom and broadband markets. 

So, what are some examples of enterprise apps? Some of the most common enterprise applications include My Account apps, billing, internet or other services. You’ll need to ensure customers can access the technical support they need to use these different applications successfully. 

Looking to provide better app support?

Why mobile app customer service matters

Mobile app customer support is vital for meeting customer demands. 69% of the world population uses a smartphone. Additionally, 82% of customers prefer using their mobile device to communicate with a business. 

This means that app-based customer service is no longer a nice-to-have, but an essential part of your customer service strategy. Implementing mobile app customer service helps businesses improve net promoter score, increase customer satisfaction and reduce customer churn.

Additionally, ensuring customers can access the support they need helps improve digital adoption and retain app users.

How to provide quality mobile app customer service

Mobile app customer service is vital for meeting increasing customer demands. But the key isn’t just to provide app-based customer service but to do so effectively. Below are a few tips for implementing stellar enterprise app support. 

Provide live chat support options

When customers have difficulty using an app, one of the easiest ways for them to access the technical support they need is through the app they’re already using. For example, you could provide access to a live chat support option so customers in the app can access expertise from a real human.

Even in a world of apps and smartphones, access to human customer service representatives is still vital to customer success. According to the National Customer Rage survey, the inability to speak to a human is a top frustration among customers.

Consider integrating chatbots into your app

Did you know the majority of customers expect your company to respond to service requests within 5 minutes of initiating contact? That’s why using conversational AI chatbots can be an integral part of providing mobile app customer support.

Chatbots give customers instant answers to frequently asked questions or other common technical support issues. This can help your business save time while freeing up customer service agents to work on more technical requests that require human expertise. 

Additionally, chatbots can be beneficial for regional service providers (RSPs) scaling customer support. Smaller companies often have less staff than nationwide carriers, which can make it difficult to respond to customers in a timely manner. With chatbots, customers who use RSPs can get access to instant answers at any time of day or night. 

Make sure the app interface is user-friendly

Your app interface is everything your customers see and interact with when they open one of your enterprise apps. It’s a key factor in a customer’s first impression of your company, so you want to ensure it’s a good one.

89% of customers will abandon your app if it glitches, so you want to dedicate the time to developing a user-friendly app. Choosing a well-thought-out enterprise app solution or designing your own is worth the effort. Research by Forrester found that every dollar spent on UX has an average ROI of $100. 

Additionally, you want to ensure your app is accessible to all customers. One in four Americans has a disability, so ensuring your app is WCAG 2.0 compliant is vital. Otherwise, you risk alienating a fourth of your customer base. To increase your app’s accessibility, make sure to use accessible fonts, pay attention to color contrasts and make sure any buttons users need to touch are large enough to tap easily. 

Provide proactive customer support

Proactive customer support means anticipating issues before they arise. Proactive customer support is vital for increasing customer satisfaction and reducing unnecessary business expenses. 

So, what does proactive customer service look like for your mobile app? You might consider sending out notifications via the app to let customers know about internet service outages in their local area. Or you may notify them about updates to commonly used app features.

Another key component of proactive customer support is gathering customer feedback. Make it easy for customers to report glitches in the app or other service issues. Customer feedback allows you to identify areas for improvements in the app that can help you create a better customer experience. 

Personalize the app experience

Personalized customer service is a critical way to differentiate yourself from the competition. More than three-fourths of customers are frustrated by a lack of personalized interactions with companies. 

There are many different approaches your business can take to create a more personalized customer service experience. For example, you might consider offering interactive self-service tutorials in the customer’s preferred language. 

You could also use customer data to offer personalized recommendations for tutorials or products based on previous interactions with your business. Just make sure you’re using this customer data in a way that’s compliant with laws in various states or regions where you provide services. States like California or areas like the European Union often have laws regulating how to collect and use customer data safely.

When done correctly, personalized app support can pay huge dividends to your company. Research by McKinsey shows that companies using personalization increase revenue by as much as 40%. 

Mobile app customer support is vital to your CX strategy

More and more customers are choosing to interact with your business through mobile apps. But it’s not enough to create the app itself. You need to provide in-app customer service that’s fast and easy to use. 

By following the tips outlined here, you can create the mobile app customer service experience that customers crave.

free case study. learn more about how to improve your app support today.

Are you looking for more ways to take your mobile app support to the next level? Ozmo, a leader in omnichannel customer service, offers dedicated enterprise app support for your telecom or broadband business. Learn more about the future of app support today!