Ozmo Answers API

Powering AI tools with with trusted, accurate tech support answers

Backed by Ozmo Intelligence, the next generation of the Ozmo API delivers solutions in real time, ensuring seamless integration into AI tools like virtual assistants and copilots.

About Ozmo Answers API

How Ozmo Answers API works

Robust support integrations made simple

Ozmo Answers API uses advanced natural language processing to interpret any query and return the most relevant solutions from Ozmo’s trusted, curated answer library. By mitigating the hallucination risks of LLMs, it delivers accurate, reliable answers in formats like URLs, rich media scripts or text summaries — making it easy to fit into a variety of use cases.

With Answers API, your AI-enabled experiences can leverage the value of Ozmo Intelligence.

Read the full blog post about Answers API.

Ozmo Answers API simplifies both standard and complex integrations through the existing workflow.

What you can expect with Ozmo Answers API

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Intuitive and flexible answers

Ozmo Answers API processes natural language queries to provide contextually relevant responses from its curated library. These answers are adaptable, delivered in various formats such as URLs, rich media or text summaries, catering to a wide range of use cases.


Accuracy at the forefront

Answers API ensures top-tier accuracy by providing tech support answers that are carefully verified and drawn from Ozmo’s trusted content library, so AI-powered tools can confidently deliver reliable solutions.

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Personalized support available in any channel

Whether it’s through virtual assistants, copilots or other AI-powered tools, Ozmo Answers API delivers personalized, contextually relevant support, adaptable to any channel and designed to enhance both the customer and agent experience.

Looking to integrate your support resources across channels?

Discover how Ozmo enables seamless integration, providing consistent, accurate answers across all customer touchpoints.